Registered Dietitian

The Registered Dietitian provides on-going support to enhance nutrition knowledge and strengthen food relationships for the 7 First Nations communities of the Manitoulin Island District and their membership residing both on and off reserve.

Services provided include: individual and family dietary and lifestyle assessments and counselling (both in clinic and in home), group education classes, health fair/career fair participation and education and training for dietetic interns, support to home and community care clients, and consultations to health care providers. In addition to provider referrals, self-referrals are welcomed.

For information on Noojmowin Teg Health Centre’s Registered Dietitian’s programs and services, please contact the Primary Care Assistant at 705-368-0083 ext. 249.

For general inquiries on the programs and services provided by Noojmowin Teg Health Centre,
please contact 705-368-0083.